Friday, 23 February 2007

The Prescott Lock

British Waterways have started work on the lock on the Prescott Channel. A joint project with several other agencies, includin the Olympic Delivery Agency.

Check out the website

Tuesday, 20 February 2007

New domain...

The LoopZilla Blogz Here.... and lives here

New domain...

The LoopZilla Blogz Here.... and lives here

Monday, 5 February 2007

On the river bed

On the river bed
Originally uploaded by LoopZilla.

The men who collect the lugworms (bait) will only be there for a few more months. The new lock and flood control structures mean that the area where they sift the silt will be a canal (probably by the begnning of 2008).

They may be able to work the river bed behind the House Mill, but this depends on several other factors.

All the narrow boats are to be moved as well. British Waterways are responsible for the moorings, and we assume that theses boats will be relocated.

Crocus and chard

Crocus and chard
Originally uploaded by LoopZilla.
We are moving to a new plot on the allotments. Louise and I were given a new plot at a committee meeting on Friday, and on Sunday we took the shed down and moved it along with most of the contents to our new plot, Number 3. We have left Number 28 behind, which Louise has had since 1993. Half of the plot 28 was "laid to lawn" as the estate agents say, and it was only during the past 12 months that we has started to turn the lawn into vegetable plots. The lawn was built for tai chi, but over the years it was used very little for tai chi. The main purpose was to reduce the work needed to keep up a whole plot. The new plot is slightly bigger and we hope to be in full production very soon!

Sunday, 4 February 2007


Both FLICKR and are down!


Thursday, 1 February 2007

The Tag Clouds

I see that tags are news in 2007.

I wrote a short paper on tags in 1992 when I was at UCL CS.

G. C. Joly, "Dynamically Defined Tags for Annotation at the Description Level", Research note RN/92/78 UCL, Department of Computer Science, University College, London, November 1992.

The paper describes a search engine for use in the creation of object oriented software, in languages similar to C++ or C#, but the ideas could be extended. Tags are common now, with FLICKR using tags for grouping and sorting images and for social bookmarking.